The other day brought warm breezes and a bright sunshine. Thankfully, because just prior it had rained a handful of days in a row. So naturally, we played in it. And these three girls found something to feast their eyes on quite quickly.
Then we won. We screamed and high fived eachother. And I admittedly proclaimed to Mr. Marvelous that the thought of a hot bubble bath had been dancing in my head for most of the game.
The End.
The weather finally warmed up a bit, here in our neck o' the woods.
Then cooled way down. Then rained. And rained some more. It must be global warming or something.
But, then it got pretty hot for an entire week. So, we've been spending as much time as possible at the lake house, going on as many bike rides as we can fit in, petting as many dogs--belonging to strangers--as we can find, and enjoying our new boat.
During my short little computer sabatical--ok, not so short computer sabatical. Fine! Over a month long computer sabatical, geez--we've been training our young brood to take life by the tube handles, relax and enjoy the ride. And, so far so good.
Rest assured, we're still around, despite our attendance on this edge of the blogosphere.
And believe me, in a couple shorts months when that water back there:
...will have turned to ice, we have 6 foot snow drifts out our front door and fantasy football is in full swing, we'll be ready and rearin' to share our Pear Plum Crisp recipe, the pictures of what my bed looks like on laundry day, and what 2 year old twins look like when they shove half of a banana in their mouths.
You can't wait, I know.
After the children scooped up a whole slew of them--I'm sure from the safety of their own backlog--they named him Froggy, of course. Then the others: Frogarella, Frog White, Frogman, and Spiderfrog. In which I validated as very appropriate names. However, if they were my froglets; Mulligan, Croquet, Thabeet and Oreo would be among the top names that I'd delegate.
I digress.
And not only did that one, sweet, little, scared lilypadless, froglet come home with us, all 4 of his friends did too. Safely in our daughter's pocket*.
Unbeknownst to me.
*For all the Frog Advocates out there, we did transfer them to the Bug Catcher Container before naps.
Two little girls who are now two.
Any thoughts on why in the world I would pull all four children out onto the cement--for approximately 3 teeny little minutes and for passerbyers to see--and make this parking lot our first stop in a journey that later included a podunk park that appeared older than the trees over it's head? A park whose rocks entertained the children more than anything.
You got any notions?
About our motion?
Here's the answer:
So, our reasoning behind stopping here is not that it was their first visit out of state. Nor was it that it was their first time purchasing fireworks. (However, we did visit one of those the next afternoon. I never thought to snap a picture of that.) But, Lori, you were right on. Slippery's restaurant was the 'Slippery's' in Grumpy Old Men. The actual movie was filmed in that very town. The children, however, could have cared less. They really just wanted more of those Sour Patch Kids I bribed them with before we got out of the car.