(And I think you'll agree that it's come a long way since this.)
But at least you can see our new new paint color. (Remember awhile back I promised I'd post one? Or have you forgotten since it's been so long?) Click here to get an even better idea of what the color looks like. Then toggle over to the Silver Sage color swatch on the bottom left. And, that's it!
I haven't taken an updated picture yet. Call it: Julia got strep, then the twins got an ear infection paired nicely with pink eye, Julia got over strep but woke crying last night because of her ear, and now I feel as if I have a tennis ball in my throat each time I swallow.
Sooo, we've been a wee bit busy in the land of 4underfoot!
But we have cabinets, a table, a super deep sink, and trim now. Yipee. It's like a thunderstorm for seedlings--exactly what we were waiting for.
I promise, er-I guess I can't promise, but I'll see if I can get a really updated one taken soon.
I'll try.
But I have to tell you, the uber best part of all of this, is how organized my cabinets have become. It's like a breeze of fresh organizational air swept through our new space and labeled, stacked, and positioned for convience every kitchen item I own.
I'll tell you all about later. As for now, I'll leave you with what our 4under3 looked like last year at Easter.
Remember, I tweeted about how my mother computer--that holds all my pictures--is buried under "stuff" that hasn't found a home in the kitchen yet?
This will have to do.
Happy Easter.