Thursday, January 31, 2008
Thankful Thursday
2. Friends who swing-by-to-surprise with supper straight from Panera (a steamy Asiago Roast Beef sandwich and creamy bowl of wild rice soup), and a bagel for breakfast.
3. Friends who drop off lotions, gels, and sprays so as to pamper myself at home amongst sick children...while everyone else is pampering at MOPS' Spa Day.
4. Friends who remember how much I adore (yet never allow myself) Reese's Crispy Crunchy bars.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Accumulated in One Location

"Wooo, Juj, you got that out all by yourself?"
"Yea, 'cuz I got a cut when I was 2 years old, so now I HAD to put this on."
(Julia found her own band aid in the shoebox that holds all our band aids, but here is where one of each kind stay tucked away safely. 90 some wonderful designs.)
My friend, Moe, got me started with this obsession freshman year of college. After we both transferred out, we would mail each other our newest find to add to the collection.Here are two of my favorite additions. Straight from Austria, thanks to a friend who remembered my love for these sticky boo-boo busters.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Meet the Coughing Caboose
Here are the results....
Meet Norah Kae-

She has some wheezing, no temp, and clear ears. Yea! Guess she just wanted to come along for the ride. We need to watch her cough and pay attention to any temps.
Meet Hazel Renae-

She had more wheezing, a slight temp, and the start of an ear infection in one ear. Ohhh..little honey! So, they gave her a neb treatment, prescribed some meds for her ear, and sent us home with a neb machine and a prescription.
Despite the long night, a missed supper (that I was really looking forward to), frozen hands, and little to none time with the hubs, I did get quality cuddle time with our caboose.
Introducing the Electrifying Julia
Favorite things to say:
"I changed my mind"
"But I grit my teeth because I love (him, you, her, etc.) so much"
Loves to eat:
Quaker Oatmeal Squares, kidney beans, chili, lasagna, spaghetti
Most likely found:
Swaddling her dolls, coloring at the table, reading in her tent
Some personality traits of hers:
Independent, bold, motherly
Monday, January 28, 2008
Craft Camp

Friday, January 25, 2008
Daddy Daycare
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Show is Over
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rules! Rules! Serious Rules!

Bedtime-Jammies go on after you leave the dinner table. When it's time for bed, meet at your bathroom door for your toothbrush. SIT while you brush. One drink of "Wa wa" for Luke after brushing. If you want to read some stories snuggle up in Luke's room on the pile of ball pillows and each pick out TWO books. Then you each get to rock, talk about 3 things you did awesome that day, prayers, and kisses.
Time to eat-Keep your hands to yourself. If you think you are done, ask to be excused, or in J's case, "Please, may you excuse me please?" Show your table manners so you don't have to get down before you are truely done. You must "take your one taste" of everything on your plate.
Naptime-Make sure you've given everyone, including the girls (twins), all the kisses we need and you've gotten your drink of water BEFORE you get in bed for nap otherwise you'll have to wait until you get up.
Playtime-Share so we don't have to put it away. At the end of the day, clean up together. Put toys in the bin with its picture on it. Use your nice words...your thank you's, I'm sorry's, and do you forgive me's. Remember, you love eachother!!
When rules are set in place and children knowingly follow, say hello to the non-irritable mother....who's much more fun to be around than the irritable mother. Trust me!What Color Am I?
My Result: Orange
You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oh the Places You'll Go

I watch Luke throughout the day imagining what he'll be someday. With his love for...everything, I wonder which passions will stick. He's a boy's boy when it comes to his "rum ruuuuuummmming" combine and his "bassetball," and when he has to tell us of all his boy'ish things in a purposfully low octive. Yet, he has a soft side to him that we see when he's giving his baby sisters kisses or walking around with his
Monday, January 21, 2008
Can You Tell What's Been Going On All Morning?

Saturday, January 19, 2008
"What Were You Thinking?"

Well, the girls did rise and shine as I hoped they wouldn't. But surprisingly enough, I'm not as drowsy as I imagined I'd be.
Friday, January 18, 2008
in·dulge· (in dulj′)
1. to yield to or satisfy (a desire); give oneself up to
Minutes ago I sent my Marvelous husband and our oldest two off to an overnight at grandma Net's (his mom). They'll return tomorrow after a fun filled dose of indulging of all kinds.
I'm sure they'll start with "Spot" the cat then move on to sweets and treats, grandma's jewelry drawer, and Kids Praise videos. Daddy will be indulging as well. He has some one-on-one time with Oli and will be showing him off at the Friday night Boys Basketball Game, a highlight of the week for our little hometown...population 600.
I on the other hand, will be doing a little indulging myself....
Over our youngest two.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thankful Thursday
- Aquadoodles for an artistic little 1-year-old
- Garlic Texas Toast with added shredded cheddar on top
- Garlic Texas Toast on a plate of spaghetti
- 1:00-3:30 (Naptime)
- My cute Marvelous Husband after a fresh haircut
- Reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Panda Bear, Panda Bear, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar...and then listening to Jaclyn read it to us.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
If the Guess is Right
Don't forget your party hat.
Edited for your information:
The winner doesn't get a pat on the back...MCK Mama is far more rewarding than that. She'll send you a gift certificate to Happy Green Bee's online store. How proud would I be, if you blogging friend.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Sermon on the Mount on Our Way to Church.
Julia: "Jesus I want you to go in my heart right now. And, I want you to stay there. Yep. Stay right there (pointing to her heart). Say it Lukie! Say, Jesus, I want you to----hey guys does Jesus drive a car?"
Daddy: "Jesus doesn't need to drive a car. He is everywhere all the time."
Julia: "I'm so glad that Jesus is going to do everything and he's going to bring me heaven. Remember Luke, Jesus was a little baby and now He is the big man in heaven so..say it Lukie, say Jesus, come in my heart right now."
Luke: "Ehas, wwwwite now.
Julia: "HEY GUYS! Did you just hear that? That was sooo cute!"
Exactly what we were thinking the whole time.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I'm Not Gonna I'll Be Quite Honest.
So, that's just what I'm going to do.
Here it goes.
I'm not gonna lie, as I was backing our truck out of my husband's stall this afternoon on my way to run errands--I hit the snowbank, AGAIN! It's not the first, and I'm sure it's not the last. In fact, I'm quite positive I've hit that snowbank EVERY TIME I've tried to crank that truck around our absurdly designed driveway. There's never any damage done but I'm sure people wonder why his license plate imprint is on the pile of snow near our driveway.
And while we're on the car subject, I love jammin' out while I'm driving. Solo or with the kids, it doesn't matter. The radio is cranked, we're dancing in our car(seats), and Toby Mac is accompanying us to some "Extreme Days" cuts, it's great.
And, I'll be honest, I have a love for words. I used to have a "favorite words" list that included words such as: plethora, enchantment, pinking (as in "pinking shears"), and LaDainian Tomlinson. It's got to be the way some words roll off the tongue.
And, I'm not gonna lie, I frequently put on my make-up embarrassingly forgetting my mascara. It was just yesterday when I did this and then ran out to do some things (in public). For some strange reason I get bored 7/8 ths of the way through the make-up portion of getting ready and I go and do something else planning to return and finish my mascara....I guess, when I'm less bored, but forget.
Before closing, I'll admit this too: all of our 4under3 are/were tummy sleepers, I love love love giving unexpected gifts, I prefer a dessert over an appetizer (unlike my Marvelous husband), I reallllly miss swimming laps, I 'm a very aggressive driver, I get completely engrossed in Psalms, especially 139, the sound of the dishwasher and washing machine running makes me feel good, instantly I tear up when I drive by a car accident, when summer comes we'll be outside playing from 8:30am-6:00pm, and I melt while holding each child during "snuggle time" in their rocking chair the few minutes before each and EVERY nap and bedtime.
Ok, that feels much better, now that I got that out.
Friday, January 11, 2008

I wanted to pass this bit of information along, because frankly, it's long overdue.
That cute "motorboat" sound that comes out of your mouth..with every bit of gusto from your 6.5 month old little body, it's adorable! It really is. How you vibrate your little lips together making us check twice for the fisherman that's sailing around our house. It's adorable when we're playing on the floor and your inches from a toy that you really want, it's adorable when you see your bottle but can't get it in your mouth fast enough, and it's really adorable when you're so tired and can't seem to get to your crib soon enough to satisfy.
But what's not adorable, my dear Norah, is when you're practicing the "chew and swallow" skill (that doesn't seem to be going as smoothly as I remember from past years) and your mouth is full of rice cereal/oatmeal/sweet potatoes/squash/or anything else I've pureed for you...and you bring out the "motorboat."
I take that back, it was adorable...the first day. But it's no longer, during this 4th week.
Your pleading mommy
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Immunoglobulin Cellular Swimmers

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Kindred Spirit
The type that lives thousands of miles away and you wish you could see more often because you miss her like crazy. The type that even though you know you and her were born to two completely different mothers you still feel as if you are sisters (identical twin sisters). The type that no matter how much time comes between seeing eachother you know you'll pick right up where you left off.
Here's to you Moe.

An Army of Frogs A Crash of Rhinos

With the small amount of truth that's in all of that, I wouldn't consider myself one who someday makes it into the Ski Hall of Fame, nor the rest of our group for that matter, (Although, my Marvelous husband is a serious speed skier and was the first one down the hill no matter what.) but it was a great time had by all.
Thanks Leah and Justin for joining in.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Simply Hard. Hardly Simple.

Inasmuch as our trip has been filled with involvedness (concentration down black diamonds, dinner dates with friends, squeezing into very fitting ski boots, nursing sore muscles and twisted joints back to health) its simplicity is what comes to mind right now.
How simple it's been to leave our 4under3 with family members. After the 3rd full day away, Jaclyn and Oli needed no more than a simple "Hello" from us before running off to put the finishing touches on their fort in the livingroom.
How hard it's been to pull myself out of a scalding hot shower and steaming hot bath knowing there were no little bodies out there that needed me.
How simple it is to bring the children up in almost every single conversation the entire time we've been away.
How hard it is to remember why I yearned for the warmth of springtime when there are blue skies, white hills, and pristine winters to enjoy while downhill sking.
How simple it is to miss the children on this much needed "vaca," especially when I saw many adorable little people learning to ski. I wished I could hijack an emergency helicopter and fly home to get Jaclyn.
How hard it is to laugh uncontrollably while trying to maintain my balance simultaneously. I watched a friend brave the fast approaching slope-but she finished unsuccessfully.
More to come on our trip...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
We're Signing Off....
I can't tell you what perfect timing this break is for us...a serious amount of Cabin Fever has set in.
So, while I'm gone...during this upcoming Minnesota heatwave, stay cool like the underside of your pillow.
Poof, Bye Bye Memory Bank.
I asked, "J, that is one of my very favorite pictures of you. Do you remember the day we took that picture?"
"No," she replied matter-of-factly.
"You don't remember the day you turned 2 and Luke and I took you to your doctor appointment? Then we stopped at the Great Harvest Bread Company for some bread and took a coffee to go, you don't remember that day?"
Calmly she responded, "No, Momma."
"J, don't you remember we had a mini-photoshoot on the sidewalk where you were looking so dang cute and I wanted to eat you up?"
(Silence fell, and a tear thought about forming in my one eye.)That is one of my favorite memories of her turning two, and is no longer a memory of hers.