Sunday, February 3, 2008

What to Do, What to Do?

...when you're 4under3less for 2 entire days?

You could start out with this....

Then move on to this...

With a bunch of friends here...

Then you could talk 1 marvelous husband and 2 wonderful husbands into escorting to a dreamy, amorous, 27 Dresses, chick flick, highly packed with nothing but romance and 100% estrogen.


Anonymous said...

Oooooooh, that's what you could do! And sounds like the husbands got their end game today with a Superbowl party, huh!?

Welcome the kiddos home tomorrow with a big smooch (or 2 or 4) from us, k?

Ehlan said...

Fun! HOw did you get kidless for 2 days!!