Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Full House...Even Fuller.

Yesterday my brothers and their wives came down to spend the night. There's no question that Luke looks up to "Uncle D" & "Uncle Nane." (Derek & Shane)

And why wouldn't he? They bring their A-Game when it comes to making him laugh.

Last night after the kids had their fair share of their aunts and uncles, off to bed they went. Then off to a high school basketball game the boys went while the girls went off to the craft room. We sang, we laughed, we glued, we watched every YouTube clip of scrumptious little David Archuleta.

We had such a fabulous time while they were here.


Anonymous said...

You are truely a totally bonded, in love family. I know because I raised some of you. Happy to hear you had a great time making memories.

Kim said...

How fun!
Uncles and Aunts are always good company, so is a good basketball game, oh and hanging with the girls too!

Kristi said...

What wonderful time with family. I always love that and look forward to those moments!!! :-)

And...David Archuleta is SOOOOOO my AI favorite!! :-) I will have to check out YouTube for some more "clips"...he is just so talented and such a cutie!!! :-)

Oh...and to answer your question...yes, I DID save the note that Mackenzie wrote me! It just so portrays WHO she is, that I had to put it away. Well, actually it is still sitting here on my office computer desk. But, the intention IS to put it away soon. Somewhere. Safe. Where I will remember where it is later. :-)